Friday, May 20, 2011

Movie Time!!!

Now that the school year is over for most students, its time for us to take a break and relax. What other way to relax than to go out with your friends and family or even a date and Watch a action pack superhero movie. Buy popcorn, nachos, Icee, chocolate, or a hotdog and sit down and enjoy watching your favorite superheroes on the big screen kicking ass.If you havent seen Thor yet, I think you should go watch it. I recommend it. Then in June you got X-MEN First Class and Green Lantern. In July, Captain America: The First Avenger and hopefully you don't get tired of superhero movie by the end of the summer because there is no sign of Marvel and DC of slowing down.
Future upcoming films:
Ultimate Spiderman (2012)
The Wolverine (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Mn of Steel (2012)
Shazam (2012)
Justice League: Mortal(2013)
The Flash (2013)
Fantastic Four (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Aquaman (2013)
Ant-man (2014)
Deadpool (2014)
Dare Devil reboot (2014)
Silver Surfer (2014)
Sub-mariner (2014)
Nick Fury (2014)
Wonder Woman (2015)


So most people are wondering, who is the red looking nightcrawler in X-Men First Class? Will I know exactly who he is. He is Azazel and he is a villain who believes that everything on Earth belongs to him. Azazel is a leader of a group of mutants that all resemble a demon. He has also fathered many children on Earth, one being Nightcrawler. That is correct, Azazel is the father of Nightcrawler--The transporting Blue skin like demon, who is one of the members of X-Men--and if you didn't know Mystique--the blue skin shapeshifter--is the mother. Azazel has the ability to transport and shapeshift. However, I don't know if they have Azazel shapeshift in the movie, but we will see this summer on June 3, 2011, when X-Men First Class comes out in theaters.

X-Men First Class

X-Men: United

X-Men, X-Men: United, X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men First Class

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wolverine and The X-MEN

He is good at what he does, but what he does isn't very nice. Wolverine is one of the most world renowned character in Marvel comics. It was hs willingness to use deadly force and his brooding nature that made him popular. Wolverine first appeared in the comic, The Incredible Hulk #180(October 1974) and was created by writer Len Wein and Marvel art director John Romita, Sr. When Wolverine was first created, he wasn't meant for the X-MEN, he was first created to withstand the Hulk--The Strongest there is, the Hulk is the green beast who just wants to be left alone and the angrier he gets the stronger he gets--Wolverine is one of the only characters who can face head to head with Hulk without dying because of his mutant ability.

Wolverine has the mutant ability to heal in a matter of seconds, and has animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, and three retracting bone claws on each hand. His powerful healing factor also slowed down his aging process, enabling him to live beyond a normal human lifespan. However, many people are confused about his indestructible adamantium claws.The adamantiun claws were part of an experiment to enhance mutant abilities, called Weapon X. Wolverines healing factor allowed him to survive the experiment and became indestructible with an adamantium skeleton and claws, which is why wolverine is a great adversary for the Hulk.

Wolverine then appeared in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975) where he was recruited for the X-MEN and became the bad-ass of the group and everybody fell in love him. Wolverine became a big part of X-MEN and The X-men comics. The X-MEN has introduced notable characters: Cyclops,Jean Grey, Nightcrawler,Storm, Magneto, Beast, Xavier, Colossus, Sabertooth, Rogue, Ice-man, Mystique and much more. X-Men comics became so popular that they even made a cartoon series entitled, X-Men: The Animated Series, which debuted on October 31, 1992. However, the first cartoon series came out in 1989, but it never launched. In 2000, another X-Men cartoon series was made called, X-Men: evolution, which lasted 4 series. The fourth animated adaptation of the X-Men was entitled Wolverine and the X-Men and It was mostly focused on Wolverine and his leadership. In 2000 X-MEN also became a film, directed by Bryan Singer and introduce Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Hugh Jackman returned as the Wolverine in X-Men: United (2003), and X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). The story of Wolverine shadowed through the trilogy, but wolverine story is to big, so they made a film only based on Wolverines Origin entitled, X-men Origin: WOlverine (2009). Wolverine has taken over the comics, Television and the big screen.

The newest X-men film is coming out June 3,2011, entitled, X-Men Frist class, which deals with the Origin of the X-Men. This is the first film of the X-Men without Wolverine. However, this doesn't mean its last of him we will see. Wolverine is coming out with a new Wolverine film entitled, The Wolverine (2012) and its also possible to see Wolverine in the sequel of X-Men First Class--(X-Men First Class sequel)Plus, It has been comfirmed that they are making X-MEN 4 & 5. However, they are still trying to sign up the original cast members like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Halle Berry as Storm and all the other original cast including cyclops, Jean Grey, and professor X. Sounds exciting.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Role Change

So I checked out the roles for The Dark knight Rises --which is coming out in theaters July 20, 2012--on IMDb just to see if their are any new characters or if the rumor is true about still adding in Hugo Strange, another big time time villain who will go through anything to destroy Batman and a character that many fans would love to see in the big screen. However, while I searching I noticed that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is not going to be playing Alberto Falcone, the son of Carmine Falcone, but instead he will be playing John Blake, a Gotham city beat cop who will be under the command of Commissioner Gordon [played by Gary Oldman].This Character is brand knew to the Batman Universe, but it doesn't matter who Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays because he will make that character will known with his great skills as an actor.

Also new to the TDKR cast:

Anne Hathaway--Selina Kyle / Catwoman

Tom Hardy--Bane

Marion Cotillard--Miranda Tate

Juno Temple--Holly Robinson

Josh Pence--Young Ra's Al Ghul

Monday, March 21, 2011

New TDKR Villain Confirmed

It has finally been confirmed that Joseph Gordon-Levitt will be playing Alberto Falcone in the Batman Trilogy. Name sounds familiar? Yea, me neither. This is because Alberto Falcone is not really a well-known villain and not one of the classic villain like the Joker, Two-Face, and Scarecrow. Alberto Falcone is actually the son of Carmine Falcone, the crime boss played by Tom Wilkinson, in Batman Begins (2005).

Even though Alberto Falcone did not have a big role in the batman comics or cartoon series, considering Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing the part, he could be one of the main villains in TDKR.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spider-man VS Spider-man

Its only been 4 years since the latest Spider-man movie came out and now Sony has decided to reboot the web-slinging hero. Basically everything changed. In the reboot film there is no Mary Jane Watson, no J. Jonah Jameson, the movie is going to take place during Peter Parker's high school years and the costume is totally different, which everybody is talking about.

Spider-man 1,2, and 3 costume was based on the traditional comic spider-man that we all know.

The Spider-man reboot costume, now entitled as The Amazing Spider-man, has been modernized with new features and design.

As you can see, everything basically changed. The spider symbol that is located in the center of the chest, the gloves, and boots. A big thing that definitely changed was his web shooters located on his rest. In the last three films he shot his web organically from his rest. now if you noticed you see web shooters which he invented so that he can swing through the city and trap people in his sticky web, which is based on the comic Spider-man.
I feel like the new Superhero movies are trying to be more realistic and stick to the comics at the same time. Hopefully the second time around is better than the first.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Batman is getting a new ride

Now if you saw the Dark knight in 2008, which is the sequel to Batman Begins, I am pretty sure you noticed that the tumbler, The Batmobile, got destroyed by the one and only Joker. If you did not then here is the scene...

Dark Knight chase scene (music added)
Uploaded by trylobyte07. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

So, now we know that Batman is going to get a new ride for himself in his new film, The Dark knight Rises. From a recent blog I read entitled, "Batman could be going airborne in 'The Dark Knight Rises,'"said that the new Batman film could be debuting Batman's Batwing. My only concern about this is making it look realistic because that is what the new Batman reboot films are all about. Unlike its past films, which was more comical films. Heres a pic of Batman's Batwing in Batman Forever (1995)...
and heres another pic from Batman's TV series (1966-1986)...

I am positive that the new film is going to make it workout. I got trust on Christopher Nolan. I just can't wait to see it if they do decide on putting in the Batwing. And for the Batmobile I'm pretty sure it's gonna come back a little more compact.


I know what your thinking, What is MCU? It stands for Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is the Universe of Marvel heroes taking place in films, combining independent superhero movies and crossing over shared plot elements, settings as well as cast and characters.
Movies that are included within the MCU, which are all leading up to the biggest Superhero film of all-time, The Avengers:
In 2008, Iron Man was the first to introduce the MCU...

In both Iron Man 1 and 2, you see Captain americas Shield connecting to the upcoming Movie Captain America: The First Avenger-
Iron Man:

Iron Man 2:

Check out Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk to find more connections and to just be entertained.
For more info on MCU check out Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top Three Story Lines For The Avengers

The Avengers, The biggest superhero group in Marvel Universe, are about to film in a couple of months, but what is this film going to be about? What is it's storyline? This is crazy because the writers can do so much with this group of heroes. The team made its debut in The Avengers #1 (September 1963), and was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist / co-plotter Jack Kirby. There are three big story lines that I believe that can help begin the saga.
One big one was the battle between the merciless Kree and the shape-changing Skrulls. Two Alien species that have been in war for a very long time and Earth got caught in the crossfire. It is the world's mightiest Avengers job to put an end to this War. The KREE/SKRULL WAR is universally acknowledged as one of the finest and most important sagas in the Marvel canon.

A second Storyline is With Loki, the step Brother of Thor, who uses his evil magic to control The Hulk, so that he can destroy Thor. The heroes then team up to help Thor, which later they become The Avengers.

The Thrid Story line that I would go with is Kang the Conqueror you travels from the future to the past during the Timeline of the Avengers and trys to conquer earth and become king. However, Kang must go through the avenger.

These are my Top three Story Lines for The Avengers. What do you think?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Spectacular Movie Buff

 My name is Erick and I am a movie buff, not just any movie buff, but a big time movie buff. Especially when it comes to superhero movies. I am also a comic artist, which I know a lot about. Through blogging, I want to show you, my readers, the difference between the movie and the comics, behind the scenes, what it takes to become the character, and I just want to get out my opinions about these movies.
            I’m pretty sure you all noticed the popularity and impact that Marvel/Dc superheroes has made in the big screen. What I want to get from blogging is your opinions and knowledge on the films and my blogs. I like to see how you see the world. I like entertaining people and I hope I entertain you with my blogs. Hope you are excited as I am because 2011 and 2012 are going to be crazy with the upcoming films:
Thor- May 6
Captain America- July 22
X-men First Class- June 3
Green Lantern- June 17
The Avengers- May 4
Spider-man Reboot- July 4
The Dark Knight Rises- July 20
The Wolverine- TBA