Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wolverine and The X-MEN

He is good at what he does, but what he does isn't very nice. Wolverine is one of the most world renowned character in Marvel comics. It was hs willingness to use deadly force and his brooding nature that made him popular. Wolverine first appeared in the comic, The Incredible Hulk #180(October 1974) and was created by writer Len Wein and Marvel art director John Romita, Sr. When Wolverine was first created, he wasn't meant for the X-MEN, he was first created to withstand the Hulk--The Strongest there is, the Hulk is the green beast who just wants to be left alone and the angrier he gets the stronger he gets--Wolverine is one of the only characters who can face head to head with Hulk without dying because of his mutant ability.

Wolverine has the mutant ability to heal in a matter of seconds, and has animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, and three retracting bone claws on each hand. His powerful healing factor also slowed down his aging process, enabling him to live beyond a normal human lifespan. However, many people are confused about his indestructible adamantium claws.The adamantiun claws were part of an experiment to enhance mutant abilities, called Weapon X. Wolverines healing factor allowed him to survive the experiment and became indestructible with an adamantium skeleton and claws, which is why wolverine is a great adversary for the Hulk.

Wolverine then appeared in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975) where he was recruited for the X-MEN and became the bad-ass of the group and everybody fell in love him. Wolverine became a big part of X-MEN and The X-men comics. The X-MEN has introduced notable characters: Cyclops,Jean Grey, Nightcrawler,Storm, Magneto, Beast, Xavier, Colossus, Sabertooth, Rogue, Ice-man, Mystique and much more. X-Men comics became so popular that they even made a cartoon series entitled, X-Men: The Animated Series, which debuted on October 31, 1992. However, the first cartoon series came out in 1989, but it never launched. In 2000, another X-Men cartoon series was made called, X-Men: evolution, which lasted 4 series. The fourth animated adaptation of the X-Men was entitled Wolverine and the X-Men and It was mostly focused on Wolverine and his leadership. In 2000 X-MEN also became a film, directed by Bryan Singer and introduce Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Hugh Jackman returned as the Wolverine in X-Men: United (2003), and X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). The story of Wolverine shadowed through the trilogy, but wolverine story is to big, so they made a film only based on Wolverines Origin entitled, X-men Origin: WOlverine (2009). Wolverine has taken over the comics, Television and the big screen.

The newest X-men film is coming out June 3,2011, entitled, X-Men Frist class, which deals with the Origin of the X-Men. This is the first film of the X-Men without Wolverine. However, this doesn't mean its last of him we will see. Wolverine is coming out with a new Wolverine film entitled, The Wolverine (2012) and its also possible to see Wolverine in the sequel of X-Men First Class--(X-Men First Class sequel)Plus, It has been comfirmed that they are making X-MEN 4 & 5. However, they are still trying to sign up the original cast members like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Halle Berry as Storm and all the other original cast including cyclops, Jean Grey, and professor X. Sounds exciting.

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